A nice desk recently
came into my possession which I have been refinishing. Since I've never done this kind of work, I asked several people for advice on
how to do it...and watched a few YouTube videos as well. There seems
to be about as many ways to refinish a piece of furniture as there
are people who do it!
Nevertheless, I’m
learning by experience. It’s by no means a perfect job, but it’s
coming along. When I bought this desk (only $45!), it was a real
mess. I knew that it was well-made just from the weight of it (it
was a beast to move!), but the top had all kinds of splotches and
imperfections. One section of the top had candlewax on it, and it
had several places with water damage. But the wood was in fine
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The top before I sanded it... |
I went to work on it last week, hand-sanding the top and some parts of the exterior of the desk. I wasn’t trying to remove all the finish...except for the top, the exterior was pretty good...but much of it had to go. I actually had to start with a knife...which I used to scrape the candlewax off. Upon the advice I was given, I started with 100-grit sandpaper (pretty rough stuff) and then went to 150-grit (not as rough but still pretty gritty). After I sanded down the top, I wiped it down, applied stain and let it dry. I went back later and resanded with 400-grit sandpaper (fo
more delicate sanding), finally putting a polyurethane gloss on. Even after that, I wasn’t satisfied, but used the 400-grit paper again, lightly sanding and reapplying the gloss. It’s far from a perfect job, and I’m sure a professional could see right away that it is the job of an amateur, but I’m pretty happy with it.
This whole little
project made me think of the discipline of the Lord. I’m sure if
my desk had a will of it’s own, it would have rather me not sanded
it at all...and would definitely have cried out, “Don’t scrape me
with a knife! Just leave me be!” It might have said something
like, “Just put a little gloss on me...don’t worry about the
We don’t like
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After sanding and apply polyurethane |
As Christians, we
rejoice in the fact that “we are bought with a price.” We know
that we “were not redeemed with perishable things like silver and
gold...but with precious blood...the blood of Christ.” (I Peter
1:18, 19). We like the fact that we are bound for heaven because he
paid for our sins with His own precious blood...but we’d rather not
think about the fact that we are redeemed to serve Him and glorify
Him. We are redeemed to become disciples...and disciples have to be
disciplined. When we come to Christ, we are pretty rough
stuff...much rougher than the desk I acquired. He simply is not
going to use us much in His kingdom until we’ve been sanded
down...made fit for the master’s use.
But...we don’t
like sandpaper…
The writer of
Hebrews quotes from Proverbs when he states…
son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord,
Nor faint when you are reproved by Him;
For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines,
And He scourges every son whom He receives.” (Hebrews 12:5b, 6)
Nor faint when you are reproved by Him;
For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines,
And He scourges every son whom He receives.” (Hebrews 12:5b, 6)
goes on to say, “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating
you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by
their father?” (NIV) (Unfortunately, this could not be written
this way in our day. Very few children are disciplined appropriately
by their fathers in our age). So he is saying, when hardship comes
our way, respond to it as a blessing from God. Instead of fearing these times, we should rejoice in hardship and trials!
This brings to mind the words of James:
it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing
that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance
have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)
can hear someone saying about now...”Consider it all joy? Really?”
“When my child becomes sick with a terminal illness?”
“When my spouse leaves me?”
“When I lose my job?”
“When my health is taken from me?”
am I to rejoice in these circumstances?”
is only one way really. We have to believe...we have to
know...really KNOW...that God ALWAYS disciplines us for our good. He
never causes or allows trials to happen to His redeemed children that
He doesn’t have a greater purpose in mind…
testing of your faith produces endurance...” What does he mean by
Greek word translated “endurance” (in some versions it is
translated “patience” or “steadfastness”) literally means
“abiding under.” Strong’s definition is “cheerful (or
hopeful) endurance; constancy.” Thayer’s has the definition “a
patient, steadfast waiting for.” And also this…
the NT the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his
deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and
piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings.”
I read this, I picture an endurance runner. No one starts out one
day to run a marathon with no preparation. You have to train for
it...often for months. Like a runner building up stamina to run a
long race, the way you get this kind of faith (“that you may be
perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”) is through
trials...through difficulties…
is one big difference between the process of sanding my desk and what
we are called to go through as Christians. The difference is this: my desk has
no will of its own...so it had no power to resist the sandpaper…but
we do.
we resist Him, we will never receive the benefit of the trial. If,
instead of "considering it all joy”, we complain and grumble (my
Facebook feed is sometimes full of grumbling and complaining people
who have to describe their latest trial in vivid detail!), we halt
what God is trying to do in our lives. A good Old Testament
illustration is found in Exodus, wherethe Israelites, after being
redeemed from Egypt, have to wander in the wilderness for a period of
time. Repeatedly, God tests them with various trials
and...repeatedly...they grumble and complain. One time they have no
food for a short time, another time they have no water, another time
they find water but it is bitter. In each case, their reaction is
the same. They grumble to Moses and to God. (You can read about this
in Exodus 15:22 – 17:7) When I looked at the Hebrew meaning of the
word which is translated “to grumble” or “to murmur”, I found
something very interesting. It literally means “to stop.” It
was used by those traveling on a journey who stopped at an inn or
elsewhere to take rest. This really spoke to me. When we murmur or
complain at our difficult situations, all spiritual growth is stopped
cold. Complaining stops growth. Think about that the next
time you are tempted to grumble about your lot in life! I do!
I was writing this, I got a call from one of our church members named
Bec. We have a church prayer chain, and she asked me to put her
little two-year-old grandson on this line, which I was glad to do.
(We don’t think it’s serious, but he has a swollen thumb and a
fever and is going to see a doctor this morning.) After she shared
the prayer request with me, she shared this with me: “You
know, something like this used to floor me. Even a little thing
would knock me flat. But, since I’ve been in the word and in
prayer every day, they don’t get to me nearly like they used to.
When I concentrate on Him, He helps me with my emotions!” Praise
God! This is exactly what this article is about. When we see these
things as coming from the hand of a loving God, one who even sent His
only Son to die for us, and who would never do anything harmful to us, we
build up “spiritual stamina”, as Bec has surely done. We see
the sandpaper in our lives as just preparation for the gloss that is
surely to come. If it never comes in this life, it will surely come
in the life to come.
All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but
sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it
yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. (Hebrews 12:11)
I must add one more thing here. Ultimately, “the peaceful fruit of
righteousness”, “the gloss” if you will, is not even for
ourselves. It is for His kingdom...for His glory. When we receive
comfort and strength after suffering trials, we can use that comfort
and strength to minister to others who are going through trials
(that’s the real gloss!) And, in the end, Our glorification
(which in it’s fullness will only be when we reach our heavenly
home) is merely a reflection of His glory. When we get to the place
where we see IT IS ALL FOR HIS GLORY, we’ve come to a good place.
So...when we encounter various trials...the sandpaper of this
life...let’s learn to embrace them. It is ALWAYS for our good,
NEVER for our destruction, and ULTIMATELY for the glory of His
So...Bring on the sandpaper!
So...Bring on the sandpaper!
A Voice In The Wilderness
I Went To A Town Hall Meeting...And God Showed Up!
The Question That Led To The Prayer...My Day At The Indiana Statehouse
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