Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The New Evangelism...Contemporary...Sleek...Appealing...and ABOMINABLE! (Reimar Schultze) Part 2

Part 2 of an article by Rev. Reimar Schultze, a modern-day Elijah and Holocaust survivor, who speaks to the world as few are able to do in our day.  To read Part 1, click here.

Paul said, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, And they shall turn away their ears from the truth…”  I believe that the time Paul is referring to is now.  And that being so, it is not time to compromise with the world, to mix Baalism with Christ, to keep them at any cost.  Rather it’s time for us to hold steady, to go deeper, to pray more earnestly, to take the remnant and let them be in white heat for their love of Jesus.  Then the day will come when the fire will fall and sinners will be converted in their automobiles, in the taverns, in the college classrooms, in the factories without even a sermon or an altar call being given, as it was in the case of the Welsh revival.

In the Welsh revival, seventeen men refused Baalism in Christianity, they refused to lower the standard, they refused to go after people with chicken feed; and on that memorable night in 1904, the fire came.  Within a month, those seventeen men who prayed and held steady produced a fruit of 37,000 who repented to receive Christ.  And within five months, 100,000 had been swept into the kingdom of God.  Then even Welsh newspapers began to include columns of the names of those born of God.  Again, this revival did not come by compromise, by making the lukewarm or sinner feel comfortable and ”at home” in the church.  This revival came by holding steady until the Pentecostal flames had cleansed every sin, spot, and blemish out of every heart of the committed remnant of God.

Or consider the mighty work of God in the Hebrides Islands revival from 1948 to 1952.  It was equally powerful.  Here, seven men in a barn and two elderly sisters in their home decided to hold on and see the salvation of the Lord.  Listen to this little excerpt of what it was like in those days:

The little band of prayer warriors made their way to the farmhouse to plead the promises of God.  Just after midnight Duncan Campbell asked John, the local blacksmith, to pray.  John rose to his feet with his cap in hand and prayed a prayer that will never be forgotten by those who were present.

In the middle of his prayer, he stopped and raised his right hand to heaven and continued, ‘Oh God, you made a promise to pour water on the dry ground, and Lord, it’s not happening.’ He paused again and then continued, ‘Lord, I don’t know how the others here stand in your Presence; I don’t know how these ministers stand, but Lord, if I know anything about my own heart, I stand before you as an empty vessel, thirsting for thee and for a manifestation of Thy power.’ He halted again, and after a moment of tense silence cried, ‘Oh, God, your honor is at stake; and I now challenge you to fulfill your covenant engagement and do what you promised to do.’

Here is a man praying the prayer of faith that heaven must answer.  There are those in Arnol today who will verify the fact that while the brother prayed, the dishes on the dresser rattled as God turned loose His mighty power.  Then wave after wave of divine power swept through the room.  Simultaneously, the Spirit of God swept through the village.  People could not sleep, and houses were lit all night.  People walked the streets in great conviction; others knelt by their bedsides crying for pardon (“Bright and Shining Revival” by Kathie Walters; Good News Fellowship Ministries, Macon, Georgia, pp. 11-12)

The word is not “compromise” – not to blend in with the values, the mores, and the customs that   The word is “stay put, dig in, get hotter, close the ranks” and pray and obey and live as if it is a matter of life and death for the church of Jesus Christ and a sinful world.
Pastors Reimar Schultze and Aaron Simms at
Waiting 2017, Parker City, IN
people are comfortable with.

Wait and see the salvation of the Lord.  But don’t pollute yourself to get success.  Success in ministry is not gathering crowds, it is not making ourselves look good, it is not competing, but it is dying out to do the will of God second by second.  We will never get to great revivals by compromise, by giving people what they want in our churches, by making them comfortable in our sanctuary.  The key is no compromise!

This drastic attitude was reflected most clearly by our Lord than when he turned to a multitude and said, “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.  And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26-27). Jesus never compromised the standards for discipleship, and he never stooped to do any of his work through anyone who refused such strict standards.  Oh, my friend, let us not build lukewarm churches, knowing that Jesus will spit every one of those lukewarm ones out of his mouth. (Rev. 3:16).

Man, by his perverted nature, is seeking success, a piece of glory, and as long as any of this element is alive in any preacher, he is the most dangerous man in town, and he has no business being in the pulpit.  Modern evangelism is a compromising, Baalish evangelism that is self-seeking, flesh-glorifying, masquerading in a Hollywood spirit, void of the supernatural power.  It holds no promise for the “fire” to fall again.  The spiritual pastor has and is continuing to crucify the flesh and to seek no glory for his own but only that of the Triune God for him and for his people.   He does not give the church what she wants by what God requires of her.

So, let me close with some more words of Tozer on this subject: “Every effort to smooth out the road for me and to take away the guilt and the embarrassment is worse than wasted: it is evil and dangerous to the souls of men.” (“Renewed Day By Day” by A.W. Tozer, Christian Publications, Inc.)

Please pray for me!

  • To read a short autobiographical description of Rev. Schultze's experiences as a young Holocaust survivor, click here.
  • To order Rev. Schultze's captivating autobiography I Am Loveclick here.
  • Rev. Schultze's daily devotional "Abiding In Christ" is available on Kindle for the great price of only $8.99!  Click here to order this worthwhile resource today.

  • Want to read more about walking with Christ?  Here are some recent articles that may help you in your walk with Christ!

    Waiting 2017 - Recap #1 (Summary of meetings held in Dec. 2017 in which Rev. Schultze and others were used greatly of God.)

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