One of the more popular words that we see in the news these days is “robust.” We use this word to describe something that is strong and hardy. Just a quick check of this word in recent news articles revealed things like “robust jobs report,” “robust demand,” and “robust oil prices” (not exactly a good thing!). I looked up the origin of this word and found something very interesting. It comes from the Latin word “robustus” whose literal meaning is “as strong as oak.” It conveys the image of a sturdy tree whose roots go down deep. Winds may blow, storms may lash strongly against it, but it remains undisturbed.
The Bible actually likens a man who follows God to such a tree. Read
these words from Psalm 92:
The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree,
He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Planted in the house of the Lord,
They will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still yield fruit in old age;
They shall be full of sap and very green,
He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Planted in the house of the Lord,
They will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still yield fruit in old age;
They shall be full of sap and very green,
Although this verse can apply to both men and women, since we are
near Father’s Day, we’re going to apply it to men today.
Notice first for all that this robust man is righteous...that is,
“right with God.” He is one who flourishes like a strong tree.
In Psalm 1, it describes this same type of man as being “ a
tree firmly planted by streams of water.” It is in his right
relationship with God that “the righteous man” flourishes. It is
in that relationship that he is “firmly planted.” The truth is
that without God, our lives are far from robust. Though outwardly
we may seem to flourish, yet inwardly there is no firm foundation.
Secondly, notice that this “righteous man” is planted in the
house of the Lord. I’m afraid in our culture, church attendance
has become optional, even for those who call themselves Christians.
This is especially true of men. Somehow to be a spiritual man is
considered “unmanly.” To pray and take our families to church
denotes weakness to many men. Yet, actually the opposite is true. A
flourishing man...a robust one who is spiritual. He is
“planted in the house of the Lord.” He is the man who finds
himself in church...every time the doors are open! How we need these
kind of robust Christian men in our culture!

Men, don’t you want to be a man like that? Women, don’t you want
your husbands, fathers, and sons to be that kind of a man? Believe
it or not, these type of men really do exist today! I would
encourage you men to become that kind of man. Start this Sunday by
going to a Bible-believing church in your area. Begin to read God’s
word. Pray to Him daily. Ask Him to make you the kind of man that
you want to be...the kind of man that you know you should be...a
robust Christian man!
(This article originally appeared in The Posey County News...June 12, 2018)
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